March 31, 2015

#AbbottTuesday & #SPIThursday - new blog features

Rest assured that I hate hashtags as much as you do.  However, I will admit begrudgingly that sometimes they serve a purpose.  If pushed hard enough, I might even admit that sometimes they are funny.

But that's not the point of this post.

In an effort to be relevant to the half-dozen people who ever look at my blog, I'm launching 2 new features starting in April - Abbott Tuesdays & SPI Thursdays - to highlight items from each line that you may have overlooked.  In case it isn't obvious, Abbott items will be featured on Tuesdays and SPI items will appear on Thursdays.  Even though today is Tuesday, it is not yet April so the first Abbott post will be next Tuesday.

Over the years, you may have seen SPI at market and stopped to admire the mermaid console table (below) or marvel at the manatee sculpture before remembering that your store is in a mountain resort or in the hipster part of town, making it unlikely you will sell many of these pieces.

SPI Thursday will encourage you to look more carefully at the line.  You are very likely to find merchandise that blends seamlessly into your mix - and increases your sales.

Similarly, Abbott's offerings are so extensive that it's easy to overlook some quirky, cool items that can make your store stand out and have your customers telling their friends they have to come shop with you.  Don't underestimate the power of peer pressure to grow your business!

Coir doormat from Abbott (cat not included)

I'm planning other new content for the blog, as well, but these 2 ideas are the easiest to implement so they get to go first.

Stay tuned!

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